Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 24, 2010


We're at 40+1weeks today!  One week from today and half of US babies have been born by then (those who are healthy, and mother's aren't induced by impatient doctors).  One week, six days from today, and half of babies world wide have been born by then.    Three weeks from today and the vast majority of all first, singleton, babies have been born by then (not sure if that is world wide, or just for the US).  I really thought our baby would have been here shortly after it was safe for her to come out at 37 weeks (considering she has a very impatient father who wants everything NOW), but it looks like that's not going to happen.

I have only two things left to do before I am as ready for her as I'm going to be....  I need to steralize the receiving blankets, and clean out the car and figure out how to get the carseat installed so Trevor cant come along and move it more than the 2" it is allowed to move!  Oh, and I also need to pick the house up once more....  It stays clean all four days that Trevor works, but for some reason, by Thursday nights it is a disaster!  I wonder why that is....  :)

We watched the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD the other day.  Pretty much, the steps to quieting a baby are:  1)Swaddle 2)On the side 3) Jiggle 4)Shhhhhhhhhhhh 5) Uh oh...I forgot!  Guess I'll have to look that one up!  I also looked into the Dunstan Baby Language.  Apparently babies tell us exactly what they need when they cry:  A hungry cry sounds like NEH; Tired is OWH; needing to burp is EH; having gas is EAIRH; and just uncomfy is HEH.  I am beginning to be able to distingush between some of them when I listen to them on YouTube, so hopefully I'll be able to tell what the baby needs without too much frustration!  Trevor thinks our baby wont make the same noises, but we'll see!

Here's some pictures for you!

 Sucking my tummy in!  Cant do that for very long so Trevor has to be quick taking the picture!

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