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Monday, June 14, 2010


I found a cribset I like better than the fire/dalmation theme....  it is PIRATES COVE.  Problem is, it is much more expensive than the previous one, and only comes with 4 pieces - those in the crib!  I'll attempt to make some of the accessories in my "spare" time after the baby is here.

This not knowing what it is forsure stuff is pretty hard.  :(


  1. This is cute! Were you not able to find out boy or girl, or are you wanting it to be a suprise?

  2. We're not having any ultrasounds unless we have to. We thought we might for a while because my placenta was really low, but it has moved up quite a bit so we probably wont have one. If we do though, I will find out... I dont think I could NOT find out!

    Did you have an idea what you were having before you found out?

  3. In the back of my mind I sort of knew it was a girl. But I know so many people having girls right now that I thought it couldn't possibly be another one so I was really leaning towards thinking it was a boy. We had settled on a name for a boy and everything before the ultrasound:) So much for "motherly intuition" on my part.
