We had a super busy weekend last weekend, but I think we've finally recovered!
FRIDAY: Trevor worked and was up most the night running calls. I got stuff ready for the weekend and worked on the nightmare of a quilt I made for my sister for graduation (will post pics after she gets it at her grad party).
SATURDAY: 7:15AM - Trevor gets home, he takes a shower and we hop in the car. Trevor drops me off at my parents and he heads out to Elmira for a Burn. 8AM - Off to Corvallis I go with my family for Briana's Graduation.
We sit and listen to the "Important" people being introduced, and suprisingly, some very short speeches (took less time than the introductions). They called the names of those receiving their Doctorate, and they walk across the stage to retreive theire much earned diploma (yes, they actually received their diplomas at that time - no waiting until August for it to come in the mail!). Then the Master's students picked theirs up (46 of them teachers - more competition for me). And finally the Undergrads formed four lines and picked their diplomas up from the outer stages. I have a video of this, but I cant figure out how to put it on here without first putting it on YouTube.
After more phonecalls and crowd searching, we found Briana!
Then back to Eugene we went. Finally around 4pm Trevor showed up and we had Pizza and Spuds, then Trevor & I piled into the car and off to the Sister's Rodeo we went.
Every year, Trevor's parents get tickets to the Rodeo. We got there about 1/2 hr. after it started and missed the wild horse chase. None of the bull riders were injured, and hopefully none of the animals were injured...just mad as could be. I feel sooooo bad for the poor little calves with their headgear on so they dont get their horns ripped off their noggins. At the break, they had the buffalo again... then FINALLY came the good part. The barrel races! Unfortunately, most of the contestants knocked over a barrel, but one who didn't was 4 one-hundreths shy of a record, which was pretty cool.
SUNDAY we finally got back to Eugene around 5:30 and my mom made Trevor some BBQ spareribs for his birthday dinner. No idea what time we made it to bed, but Monday, Trevor was up at 6 to go back to work. Poor Guy.
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