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Friday, May 21, 2010

Safety Pins & Plastic Pants

We have decided to coth diaper.  Trevor was onboard when he learned that we could spend $300 on diapers instead of $1200 from birth to potty.  Diapers previously required safetypins and plastic pants....  Not anymore!  We will be going with "Pocket Diapers" and a few "All-In-Ones" because they are super easy to use!  So far, it looks like BumGenius and FuzziBunz brands have the best reviews.

I like the snaps and elastic sizing on the FuzziBunz (velcro wears out), but I like the way the pocket closes on the BumGenius.  We'll probably use a combination of both: FuzziBunz durring the day, and BumGenius durring the night with minimal lighting (no snaps) and for when others will be changing baby as they are just like disposable.  Idealy, I'd like to make a stash of diapers with the pocket closure of the BumGenius and the snaps and elastic of the FuzziBunz.

FuzziBunz One Size Diaper:

BumGenius 3.0 One Size Pocket Diaper:

All-In-One diapers are very similar to the above diapers, but the absorbant pad is sewn directly into the diaper.  This allows less work because removing the pad for laundering and stuffing for diapering isn't necessary.  The drawback is they are harder to get clean and take longer to dry.

I, like alot of people, thought you had to soak the diapers in a diaper pail until they're washed.  Here's a video on washing cloth diapers:

Really, not too bad.  The mess Pampers is having with their new diapers is great encouragment for sticking with these!


  1. Oops! I forgot to include links to the manufacturers:

    BumGenius -

    FuzziBunz -

  2. I never considered cloth diapers before because I always pictured those messy ones that used safety pins to close. But with benefits of saving money and the environment I might check into this more. Thanks for inspiring me!
